Critical Tools: The Fabulous School of Octopy

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We meet at the Interaction Station in the computer room, W.2.108

This is a process-oriented class. Therefore it is crucial to document your research and prototyping as you progress through the module. Include in the log some documentation of the experiments along the way (e.g., sketches, photographs, audio, and/or video) as well as notes from the workshops, lectures, and assigned readings and video. The aim of all this is to expand your critical repertoire with new concepts, tactics, skills and techniques.


DAY 1: Monday 8 January - INTRO & Subversive Prototyping

13.15 Introduction to the Fabulous School of Octopy

Keywords: criticality, prototype, intervention, tools, technology, entanglement

14.00-15.00 Prototyping with Critical Making cards

15.30 Feedback and assignments

DAY 2: Tuesday 9 January: Critical Making

13.00-14.00 Introduction: Critical Tools in the Age of Entanglement / why and how?

14.00-15.00 Working on assignment 2: Prototyping critical making

15.00-16.00 Collective reading on Critical Making

16.00-17.30 Guest Lecture: Florian Cramer: Critical Making in context

17.30-18.30 BREAK

18.30-21.00 (optional) reading group on critical theory + working on prototypes, research, documentation


Watch: Garnet Hertz on Critical Making

Read Critical Making position paper

Read selections from the Critical Making Zine


DAY 3: Wednesday 10 January: Power Mapping & Circuit Bending

13.00-14.00 5 min presentations of first prototyping exercise

14.00-17.30 lecture and workshop

17.30-18.30 BREAK

18.30-21.00 (optional) reading group on critical theory + working on prototypes, research, documentation

DAY 4: Thursday 11 January: Critical Mass, Public and Radical Politics

13.00-17.00 Lecture and workshop: tactics Final project ideation

18.30-21.00 (optional) reading group on critical theory + working on prototypes, research, documentation

DAY 5: Friday 12 January: Speculation and Fabulation: Radical Imagination

13.00-17.00 Lecture and workshop 17.00 (optional) drinks


DAY 6: Monday 15 January: Ideation-through-Making

13.00-17.00 Lecture and workshop: tactics, critical theory discussion

18.00-21 Independent working on prototypes, research, documentation

DAY 7: Tuesday 16 January: Testing and Feedback Loops

13.00-15.00 Lecture and workshop: tactics and testing

18.30-21.00 working on prototypes, research, documentation

DEADLINE version 1 project log (draft)

DAY 8: Wednesday 17 January

13.00-14.00 preparing presentations 14.00-17.30 Individual feedback session (with Floran Cramer and guest critics, schedule TBA) 18.30-21.00 (optional) reading group on critical theory + working on prototypes, research, documentation

DAY 9: Thursday 18 January

13.00-17.00 prepare final presentation and clean-up workspaces 17.00 DEADLINE for submitting final project portfolio (individual) 19.00-21.00 Final demos and discussion

(Optional) Closing drinks


ASSIGNMENT 1: Kick-off (Due Tuesday 8 January 12.00)

1. Name + any information you'd like the rest of the group to know about you, such as study background (everyone in the group can see your post). Optional: include a picture.

2. what sparked your interest in this elective? what do you hope to get out of it? (write at least 5 words and max 1 paragraph).

3. (at least) one photo and brief description in response to this: Show a concrete example of how systems of oppression/exclusion are exercised in (semi)public spaces? Here are some sub-questions to help you along the way: > What does power look like? When is power invisible? How are hierarchies and power mechanisms embedded in architecture, in technologies, in conditioned behaviour? How do systems of oppression and exclusion manifest themselves in everyday life? who is most effected by these (think of colonial past/present, gender norms / patriarchy, heteronormativity, capitalism, extractionism, class, race, education level, physical accessibility). Tip: look at different scales, zooming in to micro level and out to megastructures.

NOTE: There is no right/wrong on this assignment. Try to find a location that might interest you for the final assignment (you can always change this along the way). HOW TO SHARE? >Please hand this in on the slack channel under #submissions by Tuesday 9 January 13.00. > Also add this to your research notebook / log / portfolio as a starting point.

ASSIGNMENT 2: Prototyping critical making

Prototype a subversive technology tweak, using the critical making cards. You can work alone or in groups. If you missed the session today, you will still have time tomorrow to jump on board. The prototypes will be presented in class on Wednesday 10 January from 13-14.00 > Document the process with photos and short written reflection. What are ideas that you would like to continue to explore? What challenges did you encounter?

ASSIGNMENT 3: References

research critical tools and tactics used by artists/designers/philosophers (contemporary or historical). Pick three different artists/designers and look at their practice. TIP: try searching for critical design, design fiction, tactical media, situationists, critical engineering, hacking art. > >Please hand this in on the slack channel under #submissions. > Add the references to your notebook / documentation