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|Themistor (NTC) with a fixed resistor. ATtiny85 can blink with 2 leds.
|Themistor (NTC) with a fixed resistor. ATtiny85 can blink with 2 leds.

Revision as of 01:58, 17 January 2019

Collection of E textile Swatches.

Collection1.jpg These swatches contain a fabric part and an electronic part. Often electronics and fabric or other materials are intertwined, mixed, used by each other.

Circuit, buttons and switches

Buttons of metal, used for trousers as a switch.

Big ring of metal used as a switch.

Circuit1.jpg Piece of aluminum foil on fabric using flysofix as a switch which folds to close the circuit and start an led.

ATtiny85 swatches

Charlie.jpg Charlieplexing, 8 leds connected to the four pins of the ATtiny85.
Fold.jpg Folding with ATtiny85 and 5 leds. An example of interaction between material and led.

Sensor swatches

Charlie.jpg Tilt sensor made of three conductive patches which form a circle. The circuit is closed by swinging the bead over these patches.
Ldr1.jpg LDR in combination with a fixed resistor. ATtiny85 can blink with 2 leds.
Therm.jpg Themistor (NTC) with a fixed resistor. ATtiny85 can blink with 2 leds.
Pressure.jpg Pressure sensor with a fixed resistor. ATtiny85 can blink with 2 leds.
Charlie.jpg Arduino Pro Mini with LCD screen and 3 sensors, light, temperature and pollution. Lipo battery plus charger.

Led swatches

Different1.jpg Different red leds, from 10mm, 5mm, 1mm and an smd led.
Charlie.jpg Parallel leds in a circuit with an open connection, use something conductive to close the circuit.
Neo1.jpg RGB neopixels. ATtiny85. One of the neopixels is covered by filling and cloth to investigate the effect of the light under fabric.
Copper1.jpg A piece of copper strip with smd leds soldered on the copper strip. Parallel connections.

555 swatches

Charlie.jpg Textile speaker. 9V, use of magnets.

Transistor swatches

Darling1.jpg Darlington array. By amplifying the signal with 2 transistors you can detect if a human touches a pad of aluminum foil. You need to touch both pads.
Trans1.jpg Transistor switch. LDR in connection with a fixed resistor makes the BC457 into a switch.