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Micropython is a hype!

Micropython is a programming language, like C, C++, Java, Code Blocks.

In principle all the languages can do the same sort of thing. In principle all languages have the same type of complexity.

Micropython can be seen as "a conversation with the microcontroller".

You can send it command using code, and it will immediately talk back. You can change a line of code in a program and the change is immediately incorporated.

Micropython needs disk space on the microcontroller (or around on the board): 60K


The Arduino doesn't "talk" micropython. Its memory is too small.

Uploading always cost time, even for the slightest change in code: compiling and flashing. The memory is always first erased, before putting the new code in.

The code stays on the board.

The file is nicely saved in the Arduino Sketch folder

micropython - circuit python

Officiel versions http://micropython.org https://circuitpython.org

Adafruit version: https://www.adafruit.com/micropython

Sparkfun version: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/micropython-programming-tutorial-getting-started-with-the-esp32-thing/all

The program is not always saved on the microcontrollers. It is when you drag the file into the disk visible in your laptop.

In the MAIX dock editor you have to specifically tell the editor to store the code on the microcontroller.


Online code editor in python for the BBC Microbit: in Chrome (not in Safari or Firefox): https://python.microbit.org/v/2.0. Errors are displayed on the microbit.

Mu editor for Adafruit, also microbit https://codewith.mu Errors are displayed in the REPL window.

The MAIX dock has its own editor: https://maixpy.sipeed.com/en/

OpenMV has its own editor: https://openmv.io

You can also use a text editor and drag the file into the micropython disk

Microcontrollers talking micropython (or CircuitPython)

I have bought and tested these boards myself.

(prices for Dutch shops, Antratek.nl, KIWI-electronics)

All these boards can also be programmed using the Arduino IDE, except for the microbit

Memory space

Micropython asks for memory space.

For example the Adafruit Feather M0 and the Adafruit Trinket M0 have only a little bit of space.

This means that for a real program two sensors can be too much, while if you program the same thing in Arduino IDE on these boards it only is 22% of the memory space.

Adafruit Itsy Bitsy M0, Adafruit Itsy Bitsy M4, Adafruit Itsy bitsy M4 express, have 2MB.

With these last boards you can add two sensors without any problem.


For Arduino finding the library for the sensors is easy.

Micropython libraries for Adafruit boards: https://learn.adafruit.com/welcome-to-circuitpython/circuitpython-libraries

I have used these libraries also for Sparkfun sensors if the sensor type is the same, for instance the LIS3DH.