Tinkering workshop

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Introduction on Adafruit Circuit Playground Express

Install CircuitPython

Install mu editor

Circuitpython circuit playground adafruit blinka computer.png 17850097.png

Python is the fastest-growing programming language. And CircuitPython is based on Python language but designed to run on microcontroller boards.

CircuitPython is designed with education in mind.

It's easy to start learning how to program and you get immediate feedback from the board.

Before we start we all have to do this to set up:

1. Install or update CircuitPython!


*1. Click the link below and download the latest UF2 file:
*2. Plug your Circuit Playground Express into your computer via a (data)USB cable.
*3. Double-click the small Reset button in the middle of the CPX(short for circuit playground express).
 you will see all of the LEDs turn green. If they turn all red, check the USB cable, try another USB port, etc.
 (If double-clicking doesn't do it, try a single-click!)
*4. You will see a new disk drive appear called CPLAYBOOT
  Drag the adafruit-circuitpython-etc...uf2 file onto it.
*5. The CPLAYBOOT drive will disappear and a new disk drive will appear called CIRCUITPY

That's it! You're done :)

2. Installing Mu Editor

Download Mu from(if you are using computers from school, the Mu Editor is already installed)


Circuitpython mu-front-page.png

The first time you start Mu, you will be prompted to select your 'mode' -

you can always change your mind later. For now please select CircuitPython!

Circuitpython Screen Shot 2017-12-24 at 2.55.02 PM.png

Mu attempts to auto-detect your board, so please plug in your CircuitPython device and make sure it shows up as a CIRCUITPY drive before starting Mu

Circuitpython Screen Shot 2017-12-24 at 3.16.23 PM.png


if you want to save the code.py file in different names as well as in different locations:

double click on the file name in Mu editor.


Indentation and commenting options

Python programs are Space holder Character Sensitive.

To indent the three lines, I selected them all and then pressed the Tab key.

To unindent, select some lines and press Shift-Tab. For commenting: select lines and press command(control)-k

Mu CircuitPython Mode Cheat Sheet 1.jpg

3. Hello World (Blink in Circuitpython)

 1    import board
 2    import digitalio
 3    import time
 5    led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D13)
 6    led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
 8    while True:
 9        led.value = True
10        time.sleep(0.5)
11        led.value = False
12        time.sleep(0.5)

4. Interacting to the Serial Console


The other feature of the serial connection is the Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop, or REPL.

The REPL allows you to enter individual lines of code and have them run immediately.

It's really handy if you're running into trouble with a particular program and can't figure out why.

It's interactive so it's great for testing new ideas.

To use the REPL, you first need to be connected to the serial console.

Once that connection has been established, you'll want to press Ctrl + C.

If there is code running, it will stop and you'll see Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload.

Follow those instructions, and press any key on your keyboard.


CircuitPython Made Easy


Libraries are codes other people have written for you. The libraries we will be using are included as part of the CircuitPython code, but you still must import them into your program. Other libraries, for many uses, must be downloaded and placed in a folder named lib on the CIRCUITPY drive.

CircuitPython Libraries already included in CPX, But if you are using CPB, (CPX = Circuit Playground Express, CPB = Circuit Playground Bluefruit)

you need to install CircuitPython Libraries by download the file and put them in the folder named lib on the CIRCUITPY drive.

we will useCircuitPython Made Easy libraries, a simple way to include the Circuit Playground functionality in our code.

more reference and examples:


code examples

Neopixel smiley face

A Smiley Face😊

 1from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
 3# The NeoPixels are super-bright. Change the global brightness.
 4cp.pixels.brightness = 0.3
 6while True:
 7    # The smiley's eyes
 8    cp.pixels[1] = (255, 0, 0)
 9    cp.pixels[3] = (255, 0, 0)
11    # The smiley's mouth
12    cp.pixels[5] = (255, 0, 255)
13    cp.pixels[6] = (255, 0, 255)
14    cp.pixels[7] = (255, 0, 255)
15    cp.pixels[8] = (255, 0, 255)
16    cp.pixels[9] = (255, 0, 255)

Let's blink a smiley face by using time.sleep

 1from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
 3# The NeoPixels are super-bright. Change the global brightness.
 4cp.pixels.brightness = 0.3
 6import time  
 8while True:
 9    time.sleep(1)
10    # The smiley's eyes
11    cp.pixels[1] = (255, 0, 0)
12    cp.pixels[3] = (255, 0, 0)
14    # The smiley's mouth
15    cp.pixels[5] = (255, 0, 255)
16    cp.pixels[6] = (255, 0, 255)
17    cp.pixels[7] = (255, 0, 255)
18    cp.pixels[8] = (255, 0, 255)
19    cp.pixels[9] = (255, 0, 255)
20    time.sleep(1)
22    # The smiley's eyes
23    cp.pixels[1] = (0, 0, 0)
24    cp.pixels[3] = (0, 0, 0)
26    # The smiley's mouth
27    cp.pixels[5] = (0, 0, 0)
28    cp.pixels[6] = (0, 0, 0)
29    cp.pixels[7] = (0, 0, 0)
30    cp.pixels[8] = (0, 0, 0)
31    cp.pixels[9] = (0, 0, 0)

hmm... now the code seems to be too long

let's Shorten the code by implementing variables, "for" loops

 1import time
 2from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
 3#neoPixel pins for the smiley face
 4pixels_pin=[1,  3,  5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10]
 5# The NeoPixels are super-bright. Change the global brightness.
 6cp.pixels.brightness = 0.1
10while True:
11    for i in range (7):
12        cp.pixels[pixels_pin[i]]=light_colour       
13    time.sleep(1)
14    for i in range (7):
15        cp.pixels[pixels_pin[i]]=OFF     
16    time.sleep(1)

much better!!! now if you add a time.sleep(0.5) in the for loop you will see a fading animation of the smiley face.

Touch sense

there are in total 7 touch pins on CPX. let's try to use the touch sensor to trigger the smiley face.

if we touch pin A4, The smiley face will appear if not the smiley face will disappear.

 1import time
 2from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
 3#neoPixel pins for the smiley face
 4pixels_pin=[1,  3,  5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10]
 5# The NeoPixels are super-bright. Change the global brightness.
 6cp.pixels.brightness = 0.1
10while True:
11    if cp.touch_A4:
12        for i in range (7):
13            cp.pixels[pixels_pin[i]]=light_colour   
14            time.sleep(.1)
15            print("A4-touched!")
16    else:
17        for i in range (7):
18            cp.pixels[pixels_pin[i]]=OFF     
19            time.sleep(.1)

Touch piano keyboard

 1import time
 2from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
 3#neoPixel pins for the smiley face
 4pixels_pin=[1,  3,  5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10]
 7# NOTE C4-B4
16while True:
17    if cp.touch_A1:
18        cp.play_tone(c4, playtime) 
19        print("A1-touched!")
20    if cp.touch_A2:
21        cp.play_tone(d4, playtime)
22        print("A2-touched!")
23    if cp.touch_A3:
24        cp.play_tone(e4, playtime)
25        print("A3-touched!")
26    if cp.touch_A4:
27        cp.play_tone(f4, playtime)
28        print("A4-touched!")
29    if cp.touch_A5:
30        cp.play_tone(g4, playtime)
31        print("A5-touched!")
32    if cp.touch_A6:
33        cp.play_tone(a4, playtime)
34        print("A6-touched!")
35    if cp.touch_A7:
36        cp.play_tone(b4, playtime)
37        print("A7-touched!")

play audio file

here some audio files you can download and copy to the circuit playground express.

[Dip.wav] [Rise.wav][Explosion.wav] [Kiss.wav] [Happy-ringtone.wav] [Wrong-buzzer.wav] [Yelling-yeah.wav] [Jazz-piano.wav]

 1import time
 2from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
 3#neoPixel pins for the smiley face
 4pixels_pin=[1,  3,  5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10]
 6# The NeoPixels are super-bright. Change the global brightness.
 7cp.pixels.brightness = 0.1
12while True:
13    if cp.touch_A4:
14        for i in range (7):
15            cp.pixels[pixels_pin[i]]=colour01   
16            time.sleep(0.03)
17            print("A4-touched!")
18        cp.play_file("yelling-yeah.wav")
19    else:
20        for i in range (7):
21            cp.pixels[pixels_pin[i]]=OFF     
22            time.sleep(0.03)
23    if cp.touch_A3:
24        for i in range (7):
25            cp.pixels[pixels_pin[i]]=colour02   
26            time.sleep(0.03)
27            print("A3-touched!")
29        cp.play_file("jazz-piano.wav")
30    else:
31        for i in range (7):
32            cp.pixels[pixels_pin[i]]=OFF
33            time.sleep(0.03)

Drum Machine


copy the drum samples there:


 1# Circuit Playground 808 Drum machine
 2import time
 3import board
 4import touchio
 5import digitalio
 8    from audiocore import WaveFile
 9except ImportError:
10    from audioio import WaveFile
13    from audioio import AudioOut
14except ImportError:
15    try:
16        from audiopwmio import PWMAudioOut as AudioOut
17    except ImportError:
18        pass  # not always supported by every board!
20bpm = 120  # Beats per minute, change this to suit your tempo
22# Enable the speaker
23speaker_enable = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SPEAKER_ENABLE)
24speaker_enable.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
25speaker_enable.value = True
27# Make the input capacitive touchpads
28capPins = (board.A1, board.A2, board.A3, board.A4, board.A5,
29           board.A6, board.TX)
31touchPad = []
32for i in range(7):
33    touchPad.append(touchio.TouchIn(capPins[i]))
35# The seven files assigned to the touchpads
36audiofiles = ["bd_tek.wav", "elec_hi_snare.wav", "elec_cymbal.wav",
37              "elec_blip2.wav", "bd_zome.wav", "bass_hit_c.wav",
38              "drum_cowbell.wav"]
40audio = AudioOut(board.SPEAKER)
43def play_file(filename):
44    print("playing file " + filename)
45    file = open(filename, "rb")
46    wave = WaveFile(file)
47    audio.play(wave)
48    time.sleep(bpm / 960)  # Sixteenth note delay
51while True:
52    for i in range(7):
53        if touchPad[i].value:
54            play_file(audiofiles[i])

connect to a proper speaker:

we can use A0 and GND as audio output and connect it to a proper speaker.

you can use M3 bolts and nuts to fix the electrical wire on the circuit playground express.

Circuit playground hp.png IMG 3518.jpeg

infrared tagging game:

  2import board
  3from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
  4import time
  5import pulseio
  6import array
  7import sys
  9# change into your own color by changing the rgb value
 10myID_color = (0, 55, 50)
 11OFF = (0, 0, 0)
 12color_got_hit = (255, 0, 0)
 13color_got_saved = (100, 0, 100)
 14Neo_smiley_face = [4,  5,  1, 0, 8, 9]
 15full_led = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
 16counter = 0
 17lifes = 10-counter
 19# Initializes NeoPixel ring
 20cp.pixels.brightness = 0.2
 21# my id color
 25# Create IR input, maximum of 59 bits.
 26pulseIn = pulseio.PulseIn(board.IR_RX, maxlen=59, idle_state=True)
 27# Clears any artifacts
 31# Creates IR output pulse
 32pwm = pulseio.PWMOut(board.IR_TX, frequency=38000, duty_cycle=2 ** 15)
 33pulse = pulseio.PulseOut(pwm)
 35# Array for button A pulse, this is the pulse output when the button is pressed
 36# Inputs are compared against this same array
 37# array.array('H', [x]) must be used for IR pulse arrays when using pulseio
 38# indented to multiple lines so its easier to see
 39pulse_A = array.array('H', [1000, 3800, 65000, 950, 300, 200, 300, 1000, 350, 175,
 40    275, 215, 275, 250, 275, 215, 275, 225, 275, 215, 275, 1000, 300, 225, 275,
 41    950, 300, 950, 300, 1000, 300, 950, 300, 250, 275, 700, 300, 950, 300, 450,
 42    300, 475, 300, 215, 275, 725, 300, 950, 300, 200, 300, 715, 325, 900, 315,
 43    425, 315, 1000, 65000])
 44pulse_B = array.array('H', [1000, 3800, 65000, 960, 300, 200, 300, 950, 350, 190,
 45    215, 245, 300, 225, 275, 225, 275, 215, 275, 200, 300, 700, 300, 200, 300,
 46    700, 300, 1000, 315, 675, 300, 1000, 300, 200, 300, 700, 300, 950, 300,
 47    950, 300, 700, 300, 700, 300, 450, 300, 475, 275, 715, 300, 225, 275, 450,
 48    300, 450, 300, 1000, 65000])
 50# Fuzzy pulse comparison function. Fuzzyness is % error
 51def fuzzy_pulse_compare(pulse1, pulse2, fuzzyness=0.5):
 52    if len(pulse1) != len(pulse2):
 53        return False
 54    for i in range(len(pulse1)):
 55        threshold = int(pulse1[i] * fuzzyness)
 56        if abs(pulse1[i] - pulse2[i]) > threshold:
 57            return False
 58    return True
 61# serial print once when activated
 62print('IR Activated!')
 64while True:
 65    # when A3 or A4 is Touched, send IR pulse
 66    # detection is paused then cleared and resumed after a short pause
 67    # this prevents reflected detection of own IR
 68    while cp.touch_A3:
 69        pulseIn.pause()  # pauses IR detection
 70        pulse.send(pulse_A)  # sends IR pulse
 71        time.sleep(.2)  # wait so pulses dont run together
 72        pulseIn.clear()  # clear any detected pulses to remove partial artifacts
 73        pulseIn.resume()  # resumes IR detection
 74    while cp.touch_A4:
 75        pulseIn.pause()
 76        pulse.send(pulse_B)
 77        time.sleep(.2)
 78        pulseIn.clear()
 79        pulseIn.resume()
 80# Wait for a pulse to be detected of desired length
 81    # our array is 59 bytes so anything shorter ignore
 82    while len(pulseIn) >= 59:
 83        pulseIn.pause()
 84# converts pulseIn raw data into useable array
 85        detected = array.array('H', [pulseIn[x] for x in range(len(pulseIn))])
 86#        print(len(pulseIn))
 87#        print(detected)
 89    # Got a pulse, now compare against stored pulse_A and pulse_B
 90        if fuzzy_pulse_compare(pulse_A, detected):
 91            print('Received A3 control A!')
 92            t_end = time.monotonic() + 0.8  # saves time 2 seconds in the future
 93            while time.monotonic() < t_end:
 94                cp.pixels.fill(OFF)
 95                for x in range(6):
 96                    cp.pixels[Neo_smiley_face[x]] = (color_got_saved)
 97                cp.play_file("yelling-yeah.wav")
 98                time.sleep(0.2)
100                if counter < 10 and counter > 0:
101                    counter = counter-1
102                    lifes = 10-counter
103                cp.pixels.fill(OFF)
105        else:
106            for i in range(lifes):
107                cp.pixels[full_led[i]] = myID_color
108                pulseIn.clear()
109                pulseIn.resume()
111        if fuzzy_pulse_compare(pulse_B, detected):
112            print('Received A4 control B !')
113            t_end = time.monotonic() + 0.8
114            while time.monotonic() < t_end:
115                print(counter)
116                print(lifes)
117                cp.pixels.fill(OFF)
118                cp.pixels.fill(color_got_hit)
120                cp.play_file("failure.wav")
121                time.sleep(0.2)
122                counter = counter+1
123                lifes = 10-counter
124                if lifes < 1:
125                    sys.exit()
126                cp.pixels.fill(OFF)
127                for i in range(lifes):
128                    cp.pixels[full_led[i]] = myID_color
130        else:
131            for i in range(lifes):
132                cp.pixels[full_led[i]] = myID_color
133                pulseIn.clear()
134                pulseIn.resume()
136        time.sleep(.1)
137        pulseIn.clear()
138        pulseIn.resume()