Unity Tutorials from the Interaction Station

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Here is a collection of tutorials by the Interaction Station for getting started with Unity. All videos are on Microsoft Streams, so you'll need to login using your myWDKA account.

Starting a new project and working with the interface

Start here to get the basics of creating a new project and working with the interface


Materials In Depth

Materials control the appearance of your 3d objects.



Create some background 3d audio.


Creating Animation Inside Unity

Use Unity's built-in animation system to animate properties like position, scale, rotation and more.


Quixel Bridge to Unity

Quixel Bridge is an amazing resource with a massive library of 3d scanned objects and surfaces that you can use in your Unity projects.


HDRI Lighting

HDRI lighting allows you use 360 panoramic images to light your scene. Use this to quickly get realistic lighting a reflections.


Post Processing

Post Processing has a number of effects to make your final scene look even better. You can do things like color grading, add motion blur and more.


First Person Controller from the Asset Store and Quick Pro Builder Intro

Easily add a first person controller into your game, to allow you walk around your scene. We also look at probuilder, an addon for Unity that lets you create complex 3d models inside the Unity engine.



Learn how to use Visual Studio to edit C# scripts in Unity.


Character Animation Basics

Download 3d characters and animations from Mixamo.com into Unity.


Character Controller Part 1:

Create your own custom character controller.


Character Controller Part 2:

Create your own custom character controller continued.


Publish to Oculus Quest in Standalone

How to get ready to publish your Unity scene to the Oculus Quest VR Headset.


Step by Step, Enable VR in your Unity Project 1. Install XR plugin management: edit / project settings / xr plugin management / install xr pluging management

2. Add Oculus to the plugin providers: tick the Oclus box (if using oculus) open xr if using others

3.Enable preview Packages in the Package Manager Window / Package Manager in the package manager click on the gear and choose "advanced project settings" under "Advanced Settings" tick on "Enable Preview Packages"

4.In the package Manager install XR Interaction Toolkit 1.0.0-pre5 at the top left of the package manager select Packages: Unity Registry expand XR Interaction Toolkit and click see other versions click install in the lower right corner of the package manager

4B. In the XR interaction Toolkit package / samples Download and import the Default Input Actions

5. In the Project tab under assets Assets / Samples / XR interaction toolkit / 1.... / Default Input Actions / select "XRI Default Left Controller" - In the inspector click "Add to ActionBasedController default" same for right

6. edit / project / settings / preset manager / under Action Based Controller in the filter add "left" to the filter for "XRI Default left Controller" "right" to the filter for "XRI Default right Controller"

7.now you can add an XR Rig - Action Based to your project Game Object / XR / XR Rig Action Based

On the XR rig Game Object in the inspector add a component called "Input Action Manager" in the component under "Action Assets" change the number to 1 and expand click on the dot to select "XRI defualt input actions"