ML computers setup
Setting up ML computers:
- Linux distribution installed: Ubuntu 16.04
Partition made for machine learning:MachineLearning
- In Windows: Disk Management -> Resize DataStorage
- Create new ext4 patition
Mounting the partition automatically:
Get the UUID of the learning:MachineLearning partition
- sudo blkid
Add partition to fstab:
- sudo nano /etc/fstab
- Add at the bottom these two lines:
- UUID=(id of the MachineLearning partition) /media/MachineLearning rw,suid,dev,auto,user,async,exec 0 2
- UUID=(id of the DataStorage partition) /media/DataStorage ntfs-3g defaults=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
- The parameters mounting the MachineLearning partition solved this problem running caffe from that partition:
Give writing permissions to new MachineLearning partition
- sudo chmod -R a+rwx /media/MachineLearning/
- Need extra space? Extending the partition
Other options:
NTFS fstab wizard:
- sudo apt-get install ntfs-config
- sudo ntfs-config
Format large capacity HD with fs ExFat for having access to it from Ubuntu:
- On Windows 10
- cmd
- diskpart
- select disk '#' (where # is the number of the target drive)
- list part
- select part # (where # is the number of the partition)
- format fs=exfat QUICK