Diving in Aether
Where, when and who
09:00 - 13:00
07.06 Tuesday
08.06 Wednesday
09.06 Thursday
10.06 Friday
13.06 Monday
Location: WH.02.125 (Interaction Station) and the great ourdoors
Facilitators: Matthias Hurtl and Yoana Buzova
Davydenko, Oleksandra
Doorn, Joost van
Kanters, Noa
Krivorukova, Simona
Mardhika, Insan
Park, Hansol
Petronzio, Alice
Pierard, Amanda
Reedijk, Sophia
Stofberg, Emilio
Wolff, Boris
Zgierski, Michał
Zygner, Julia
Surrounded by noise
Together we will explore the world of electromagnetic waves and their omnipresence in our lives. We will materialize the invisible, making it audible. With sound artist Matthias Hurtl (https://drowning.in/aether/research) (in collaboration with the Interaction Station) we will build antennas, hunt and capture satellite signals and other electromagnetic waves that fill the aether. The Æther is a medium that was once supposed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waves, an intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication. We will delve into the narratives of the invisible signals around us that illustrate the expansive, systemic, and geological attributes of the technosphere.
We will build antennas, learn about SDR (software defined radio) and conclude the elective by performing a signal hunting ritual.
We will work at the Interaction Station and outdoors.