Electronics tools introduction

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Wordt gegeven door
Simon de Bakker
Naam Station Interaction Station

Beknopte omschrijving van de inhoud van de instructie

The Interaction Station has several measuring instruments and tools to help you make your electronics project work or to find out why your project is not working as it should.

Many of these tools have many buttons and options with cryptic names, and may seem very difficult to use.

During this instruction you will be introduced to the following tools:

- multimeter

- oscilloscope

- lab power supply

- soldering iron Leerdoelen You will know

- what device you can use for which purpose

- the basics of how to use the tools of the station

Planning 1 hour session


Groupwise / hands-on



Voor wie

Everyone with some basic knowledge on electronics or just wants to know what these tools do. Minimale inschrijving 3 Maximale inschrijving 10