Zoetrope / re-creative workshop

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Wordt gegeven door

Yoana Buzova

Naam Station

Interaction Station

Beknopte omschrijving inhoud module

How can electronics, moving image and design come together? We will find out by creating a zoetrope machine. We all love animated GIF’s, and in this workshop we will take them out of the computer to the material world. Taking as a starting point and inspiration this pre-cinematic toy, we will design and build prototypes of different zoetropes. We will get together a few Monday evenings, to explore an intertwine of moving image, design and electronics. The animations we will make may start from the computer screen, but will end up outside of it, becoming real physical objects. Thus we will make a short, looping film by either drawing, modeling, printing, laser cutting, 3D-printing or anything else that comes to your mind! Then we will connect them to motors and strobing light, and with the help of electronics we’ll create new iterations of the original apparatus.

Uitgebreide omschrijving inhoud module

The workshop aims at learning about simple principles of animation and at the same time get a glimpse of electronics, prototyping and design. Students will be encouraged to think of methods to expand on the idea of the zoetrope and find ways to tangle it into current time. They will be able to learn trough making and built and test prototypes of their concepts. The students will work in groups, so they could work on parts of the project they find relevant for them and build up teamwork skills. In each team, one works on the animation, other on the electronics and someone creates the design of the object. Leerdoelen

You will research and work on a concept about physical moving image. You’ll learn to combine and mix disciplines, create prototypes and improve them. You’ll get familiar with basic electronics trough the process and use motors and light. You’ll be encouraged to use the interaction station facilities to create concepts and prototypes for their animations.


week 1: Breaking the ice – introduction, historical overview and contextual zoetrope projects; teaming up and brainstorming Note: take spare time outside of the workshop, to work on the animation.

week 2:

Testing animations on the zoetrope work stations in the protoyping space; developing the concept for the design of the object Note: take time in the following week to work on the building


working on the zoetropes; testing and giving feedback to peers

week 4:

finishing the zoetrope prototypes; documenting the animations and designs


workshop with a small group of students; learning by doing Referenties

Zoetropes are objects, precursors to cinema. They use slits to produce an illusion of motion from a quick sequence of static pictures. The workshop aims to to provoke creative ways of mixing disciplines as well as old and new technologies, and thus to come up with recreations of the famous machine.

https://vimeo.com/105567408 http://www.geek.com/geek-cetera/physical-gif-takes-animated-gifs-from-your-screen-to-your-coffee-table-1399225/

