Simple guide to use a thermo printer with python

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  • connect the printer via usb to your PC/Pi/...
  • install the escpos library via pip. more info about this python library here
pip install escpos 
  • create a file
from escpos.printer import Usb       #imports the library in the
import time                          #import the time library
iprinter = Usb(0x0416,0x5011)        #defines where the printer is connected - in this case its a usb connection the first number is the vendor ID and the secondnumber is the product ID

while True:                          #this function is running now for ever
    iprinter.text("Hello World")     #sends "Hello World" to the printer
    iprinter.text("\n")              #sends a new line to the printer
    time.sleep(1)                    #makes a break for one second

from escpos import *       #imports the library in the
import time                          #import the time library
iprinter = printer.Serial("/dev/cu.usbserial-10") #in this case the printer is connected via a usb to serial device and the printer.Serial command sends to the serial device

while True:                          #this function is running now for ever
    iprinter.text("Hello World")     #sends "Hello World" to the printer
    iprinter.text("\n")              #sends a new line to the printer
    time.sleep(1)                    #makes a bre