Processing to Android app

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It is possible to use Processing to make a native Android app. You can write your code in Processing and publish it to your phone or tablet through USB (provided that your device is in "developers mode").

To get started you need to install:

• Processing
• Android mode in Processing
• Android SDK (Software Development Kit)

Also it is possible to install additional libraries in Processing to access the sensors of your mobile device more easily. One that I found useful is the Ketai library.

The following steps worked for my computer (Processing 2.2.1 and on OSX 10.9)

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step #1
download processing

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step #2
install Android Software Development Kit to be able to create a android App.

Update the necessary tools and updates

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step #3
download and move android-mode for Processing and place in folder „modes”
(strangely the latest version of android mode @ the official website doesn’t work for me)

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stap #5
follow the steps in this blogpost to add a JDK to the Processing app’s Package Contents


This is stuff I used to install
install files (Java and Androidmode)

The Genymotion emulator
To emulte a Android device on your computer you can use this software. You can login with the interaction station account to download stuff:

user: interactionstation
pass: interactionstation

To use this emulator on Mac you do not only need to download Genymotion but also install this Virtual box.

These are some examples in Processing to play around with:
Sketch with accelerometer (uses Ketai library mentioned above!)
Sketch with audioinput (microphone)
Sketch with touch (drag)