Raspberry pi: Once upon time, there was the shell
Simon de Bakker
Module wordt gegeven English
Korte beknopte omschrijving inhoud module
The shell (or sometimes known as the command line) is one of the fundamentals of many operating systems like OSX, *nixes, VAX/VMS and, yes, even Windows. Also, it’s something most people are not used to anymore. In this module we are going to see what the shell is and what you can do with it.
Omschrijving inhoud module
Using OSX and the Raspberry PI, we will explore the shell
Using the terminal in OSX, we will explore the computer and learn the most important commands and utilities.
Once we are more at ease with all this, we will move to Linux and the Raspberry PI to make a motion triggered image/photo greeter. You will learn how to take an image, and to modify, display and upload it without using any graphical interface. Leerdoelen
By the end of this module
- you won’t be intimidated anymore by seeing just a ~$ _
- you will know how to move around your system without the Finder and how to automate tasks without human intervention.
week 1:
Hi student, hi Shell (2h)
week 2:
The shell on the Raspberry PI(2h)
week 3:
Bashing around (2h) Lesvorm lecture and hands-on
Voor wie?
Everyone who has been stuck by seeing ~$ _ on the screen and didn’t know what to do next…
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